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How to write a cold call script...

How to put a Cold Call Script together

A lot of people I work with and talk to have a great business but have a hard time nailing down just what it is they do, so in order to help you all I thought I would put together the frame you can use to nail down Who you are, what you do and why people should PAY you.

Now although this is called “How to put a Cold CALL script together this literally can be used for many things…

It can be used for

  1. Cold Calling

  2. Going door to door

  3. Nailing down what you do

  4. Nailing down your value to the marketplace

  5. Etc…

Why is it so important to get clear on your message? Because, if you’re not clear on your message, then you won’t be clear on what you’re telling prospective customers, if you can’t do that… Prospective customers won’t pay you.

Before we dig in please note - This is the frame of the house that I am giving you, you really need to fill it in with the roof, drywall, windows etc. If you need help please let us know.

Cold Call Script Frame

Intro - Hi Bob, this is Brenden I’m calling from XYZ COMPANY

Reason - The reason for my call today is we help companies DO X (this is NOT a list this IS a specific thing)

Support - One of the ways we do X is by doing Y

Time - Do you have 3 minutes to go through this now?

Close/Book - Either you went through and they liked it so you’re moving on to the next step (maybe they’re writing you a cheque) OR you booked an appointment for later in the week to go through your product/service.

Now, there is more to this, like I said this is the frame to your house. It’s IMPORTANT to note that the only way to know if you’re pitch is tight and if it’s right is if you ACTUALLY use it to talk to prospective customers.

So, now that you have a good idea of how the frame works, i’ll show you what this looks like in practice with one of my products..

Practice Script

Intro - Hi Bob this is Brenden from Booth & Vanguard

Reason - The reason for my call is; We help businesses like yours increase sales.

Support - One of the ways we do that is with Data cleaning inside your CRM or customer database.

Time - Do you have 3 minutes for me to show you how this could benefit you and your business .

Close/Book - Great I look forward to talking to you tomorrow at 2PM